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Gojos Demise In Jujutsu Kaisen Unraveling The Mystery


Gojo's Demise in Jujutsu Kaisen: Unraveling the Mystery

The Heartbreaking Fall of a Titan

The iconic sorcerer, Gojo Satoru, met his untimely end in Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 236, leaving fans reeling from the shock and pain of his loss. Chapter 248 finally shed light on the circumstances surrounding Gojo's demise, providing fans with much-needed closure.

Sukuna's Mastery: Bypassing Infinity

The key to Gojo's downfall lay in the cunning tactics employed by his nemesis, Sukuna. Sukuna, utilizing the devastating slashing attack of his Cursed Spirit, Mahoraga, exploited a vulnerability in Gojo's seemingly impenetrable Infinity technique. This ingenious move allowed Sukuna to bypass Gojo's defense and inflict a fatal blow.

Infinity's Weakness Exposed

The revelation that Gojo's Infinity could be circumvented sent shockwaves through the Jujutsu community. Previously believed to be invincible, Gojo's Infinity technique was ultimately overcome by Sukuna's relentless onslaught. This defeat highlighted the limitations of even the most formidable abilities, forcing fans to question the boundaries of power in the jujutsu world.

Closure and Redemption

Despite the tragic nature of Gojo's demise, Chapter 248 also brought a sense of closure. Gojo's final moments revealed his acceptance of defeat, a testament to his unwavering spirit and strength. His death served as a catalyst for the remaining sorcerers to confront their own mortality and strive for greater heights.

